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VIScorp press releaseAMIGA Technologies almost sold
Official message from VIScorp - 19th April 1996

VISCORP and AMIGA: The Phoenix Strategy

Much has been said and written about the recent announcement of the signing of a letter of understanding between VIScorp and Escom AG Germany. In addition, VIScorp has received hundreds of telephone, fax and Email communications requesting information as to the status of the deal and our plans for the Amiga. We are providing this posting to inform those interested in the knowing about the current arrangements -- and will provide additional information as the they develop.

  1. VIScorp is currently conducting a thorough due diligence assessment of Escom's Amiga holdings. This process is painstaking and extremely time consuming; however, without full disclosure, no satisfactory deal can be concluded.

    Due to the letter of understanding, VIScorp is restricted from releasing information relating to the negotiations until they are completed. Until such time, Amiga remains the asset of Amiga Technologies/Escom and all inquires relating to current Amiga operations should be directed to Amiga Technologies/Escom.

  2. VIScorp currently holds a license to the Amiga OS and chip sets and is developing a family of TV-based products that utilize the Amiga's unique functionalities.

  3. Many of VIScorp's senior management have previously worked for Commodore and have a thorough knowledge of the Amiga.

    Our intent to purchase the Amiga comes out of (i) an appreciation of the core technology and its importance to VIScorp's long-term business development and (ii) a belief that the Amiga can -- like the Phoenix -- rise from the ashes and become a profitable technology for the future.

Over the coming days and weeks we anticipate to see a flood a mis-statements in the press, on the Net and via voice communications -- some will be made out of ignorance, others out of malice. We will do our best to keep the Amiga community regularly informed. We have received hundreds of messages and anticipate many more to be received until final resolution of formal negotiations is completed. While we are making every effort to do so, please excuse us if we do not respond to your individual message.

David Rosen Vice President, Business Development

Info: Gilles Bourdin - AMIGA Technologies GmbH - Berliner Ring 89 - D-64625 BENSHEIM Tel +49 6251 802 210 - Fax +49 6251 802 128 email - Amiga Technologies

News from AMIGA Technologies - 11. April 1996

Viscorp USA and ESCOM AG announce letter of understanding for acquisition of AMIGA Technologies by Viscorp

Heppenheim, Germany and Chicago, IL, April 12, 1996 -- ESCOM AG, a German computer manufacturer and reseller and Visual Information Services Corp. (Nasdaq: VICP, Bulletin Board), a developer of interactive TV (ITV) set-top-boxes to enhance television use and viewing by providing Internet access and electronic communications function, today jointly announced that a binding letter of understanding has been signed between the companies.

The letter states that Chicago-based VIScorp would acquire Amiga Technologies, including the intellectual properties of the former Commodore Business Machines, excepted Commodore trademarks. The transaction value is approximately US $40 million. Terms were not disclosed, and the pending acquisition would be subject to approval by both companies' boards of directors.

"This intended acquisition is part of VIScorp's strategy to build market leadership in the fast-growing field of ITV", said William Buck, Chief Executive Officer. "As a result, we would own Amiga intellectual properties, including several that are currently used in our set top-box, Electronic Device (ED�). We would also have control over the supplied chip sets used in ED as well as Amiga inventories and access to the company's current sales and distribution channels."

Commenting the proposed acquisition, Helmut Jost, chief executive of ESCOM AG, said: "VIScorp has a clear vision of the Amiga technology potential for ITV applications. We are eager to support and work together over the term of the letter of understanding to ensure a smooth transition between the two companies. VIScorp anticipates the support of ongoing European sales of popular models such as the A4000T and the A1200 as well as the current developments and future releases of Amiga Technologies."

Petro Tyschtschenko, president of Amiga Technologies stated "I am looking forward to being able to take advantage of the research and development support potential that an Amiga-related company like VIScorp can provide."

Commenting that the primary objective of the proposed acquisition is to give VIScorp full access to the Amiga technology to support development of its ITV device, Mr. Buck noted: "Our intention is to rapidly develop and begin manufacturing TV set-top interactive boxes -- products that give home users capabilities such as telephone reception and dial up capabilities, facsimile, video games, pay-per-view options, electronic mail, and access to on-line services, including the Internet."

Product names mentioned herein may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

Info: Gilles Bourdin - AMIGA Technologies GmbH - Berliner Ring 89 - D-64625 BENSHEIM Tel +49 6251 802 210 - Fax +49 6251 802 128 email - Amiga Technologies

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Zuletzt aktualisiert von David G�hler am 25. April 1996